How To Help Us
- The Christchurch Aunties is a not-for-profit organisation, we receive no government funding and rely solely on the munificence of grant makers; foundations, trusts, along with the aroha and support of corporates and individuals, in order to extend our reach in the community, when and where it's needed.
Here's a few ways you can show your support;
💕Your generosity enables us to have a fit-for-purpose office and storage facility -'Aunties HQ' for all that furniture bedding and toiletries
💕 Your awesome donation helps keep 'Jan the Van' on the road delivering more awesomeness to families in need, as quickly as we can.
💕 Your kindness ensures we can cover the management and logistics needed, to help us keep pace with the growing demand for our service.
💕 Your bigheartedness makes sure we can purchase security items, such as; security cameras, mobile phones and Safelets when women and children are at high risk, and need to feel confident at home, and in their community.
- Donate directly into our bank account: ChChAunties 38-9023-0645654-00
- Donate to our to Givealittle campaign
- Like, follow, and share our official Facebook page
- Connect with us on LinkedIn
- Get a fundraiser together with your sports club, service club, school or social club
- Start Payroll Giving at your workplace, it could be as little as a dollar a week
- Ask your boss to match the total gifted from your staffs Payroll Giving
- Become a 'Regular Giver' by setting up an automatic payment of any amount
- Partner with us as a Corporate Sponsor or Principle Partner
- Join our community of regular givers with our 'Cost of a Coffee' campaign where just $5 a month can help us give families impacted by family harm a new start to live free from violence
- Tell all your friends about us, they might want to help too!
Become an Aunties Volunteer
Keen on lending a hand?
We are blessed to have our awesome Aunties, who volunteer with us.
Some make it a regular weekly thing, they come to HQ on a set morning and give us a hand sorting donated goods, organising the warehouse shelving, and putting together requested items from our collaborating agencies.
Some volunteer to help out with pickups and deliveries, when needed.
Some of our volunteers have specific skills we call on, from time to time.
And sometimes we put out the call and its 'all hands on deck' for a campaign or fundraiser:
Download the role description/application
Volunteer role description and application
We are blessed to have our awesome Aunties, who volunteer with us.
Some make it a regular weekly thing, they come to HQ on a set morning and give us a hand sorting donated goods, organising the warehouse shelving, and putting together requested items from our collaborating agencies.
Some volunteer to help out with pickups and deliveries, when needed.
Some of our volunteers have specific skills we call on, from time to time.
And sometimes we put out the call and its 'all hands on deck' for a campaign or fundraiser:
Download the role description/application
Volunteer role description and application
Donate What We Need
Our needs are simple, we often need homewares, toiletries, and vouchers. Basic essentials are always in high demand.
Visit our Facebook page to see what our current needs are.
think-leaving home in a hurry, think-starting over from scratch.
It's a helping hand to a brighter future!
It's imperative that we only ever donate the best quality, scrupulously clean donations. If you wouldn't give it to a friend, please don't give it to the Christchurch Aunties.
Please don't be offended if we have to say no - our storage is often at a premium.
Disclaimer: Should we receive donations that cannot be practically used by our collaborating agencies clients, Christchurch Aunties reserves the right to determine where these items go. Where possible we will endeavour to find an outcome that will support others and aligns with our vision.
Thank you for your support and understanding